We’re back from last week’s break to discuss SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW. This spins us (like a spiral!) into conversations about movie killers like Jigsaw, real-life serial killers like John Wayne Gacy, and real-life CEREAL killers like Captain Crunch… who just so happens to have his very own horror videogame entitled “Crunchy.”  Have you played it? We watched a clip from and it scared the crunch berries out of ourselves!

Also, we introduce the official Matt and Mark Movie Show Soundboard AI Robot. Help us name him!

Timestamps in case you want to skip around…

02:20 – Get Rec’d

Matt: Bo Burnham: Inside, Cruella

Mark: Cruising, Life in Color with David Attenborough 

27:50 – Spiral

1:19:50 – Your Instagram questions, and the Captain Crunch horror game “Crunchy”

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